Neuro's Closet Adventure: Remnants of Vedal The Fashionista's Past
📖 Neuro goes to explore her creator's house while he's stuck at his PC preparing for the subathon. Turns out that he's so busy and it completely slipped his mind to lock that one room that Neuro was never allowed to enter. Neuro opens the door to find... a huge wardrobe!
♥ Together with Neuro, explore the Remnants of Vedal's Past as a fashionista.
♥ Mix and match clothing that Neuro may or may not wear in her next streams.
♥ You can also show the outfit to Vedal and get his expert fashionista opinion.
🎂 The game was done in the course of ~3 days during Neuro-sama Birthday Game Jam of 2024.
💪 This game is pure HTML + CSS + Typescript. [Source Code]
🎨 Coded and drawn by LisadiKaprio
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happy femboy mosqito squeek
Very cute. That's Crazy
so cute. love the game
cute idea, great drawings
simple and full of fun, well done!
Goog job! So cute :7
very cute
very good papa vedal said i have good style